Xanthe Hancox

For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8

Often, I think we’re tempted to treat the Bible a bit like a self-help book. We use the parts we like and gloss over the bits that make us feel uncomfortable. But the words of Scripture are not mere suggestions or words of advice. Through his Word, God has revealed to us how he expects us to live. When Paul delivers instructions to the believers in Thessalonica, what they hear is the very will of God. God's word and God's will are in these instructions.

So when God says he has called us to live holy lives, he’s not just speaking to a group of Christians nearly 2 00 years ago, he is speaking to us.

The call to holiness is easy to ignore in a world which lives by different standards. We compare our lives to those around us, and figure that we’re doing ok. We can quickly become deluded and decide that our sin isn’t so bad. Ignoring, or toning down, the Spirit's call for holiness is rejecting God. Let's be passionate about holiness in our lives.

God has not called us to live impure lives but to walk in holiness, to be holy as he is holy. And that means consciously working, every single day, to cut all sin out of our lives, no matter how big or small it may be.

As you move throughout your day today, what will trip you up as you try to be more like Jesus? What temptations will be present? Spot them and avoid them. Take seriously your calling to live a holy life.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for trying to water down the significance of my sin. Use your Spirit to kindle in me a passion for holiness and please empower me to live in a way which honours you for all that you have done to save me. Amen.